Ruptured Troll Shoppe of Curiosities

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Spell Book of the Leprechauns – for T&T


This is a printed 32 page Spellbook for the Leprechaun kindreds.  We have 40 copies left.

30 in stock


Leprechauns are much luckier than men or even elves. Legend has it that when the Creator made the first Leprechaun, She asked him what gift he wanted, and he said Luck. Find out why Leprechauns are the most hated kindred on Trollworld.

Written for T&T it is also usable with Monsters!Monsters!

Steve Crompton did the cover and as a bonus he is signing all the remaining copies.

This is a printed 32 page Spellbook for the Leprechaun kindred, 8.5 x 4.5 inches.  We have 40 copies left. Due to a legal agreement, we will no longer be able to produce any more copies of this book, so once they are gone – they are GONE.


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