Ruptured Troll Shoppe of Curiosities

The official store for Monsters! Monsters! rpg, Zimrala, City of the Gods and other wild fantasy books, games and more!

Shipping and Order Issues

If you have any issues with an order, you can send us a message via the Contact Us page or you can contact Steve directly, and he’ll look into it. When contacting Steve about an issue, please include as many details as you deem relevant or that might help him understand the situation better. He’ll address each issue on a case-by-case basis.

Shipping Note

Our automated system charges a flat rate for shipping, the rate depending on whether you live in the USA or outside. The charged amount in the USA is $8.00 per order, and outside the USA is $39 per order. Some orders may cost us significantly more than this flat amount to ship. In this situation, we may contact you to ask if you are willing to pay the additional amount needed to ship to you, and you may cancel the order if unsatisfied with the requested additional amount.