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Toughest Dungeon Online Scene 6

There is no point in chasing anyone in the dark–too much chance of getting hurt that way. As he stands over his fallen foe, thinking, he remembers his father telling him that he could eat anything he could catch or kill. That means the uruk could be a meal or three. Nah, one would be enough.
But first Uhu decides to loot the body. The armor and the clothing are all too small for him. The scimitar is broken, but there’s still a jagged chunk of blade attached to the hilt, enough to count as a 2D6 + 4 weapon. The weapons belt with the scabbard is too small to encircle Uhu’s waist, but he can wrap it around his shoulder. The only treasure he finds is a pouch with 18 silver pieces in it. He adds them to his other coins and stuffs the pouch into the scabbard, pushing it way down. He also finds a belt dagger worth 2D6 + 3 in combat, and he wedges that along with the scimitar hilt into the top of the scabbard.
Then he settles down to his grisly feast. First he crunches the uruk’s head–plenty of calcium there, and the eyeballs and brain matter are delicacies for him. Then he rips off a leg, tears off the armor, and proceeds to eat the whole thing. Rock trolls don’t really care that much for flesh, but they like the blood, so they eat it, and spit out the gooey parts. The bones are what they really like, It takes him several bites to devour the thigh and the knee, and then he is satiated. After a good meal like this, Uhu might ordinarily take a nap, but he doesn’t believe this is a good place for it, His arm wound has already healed. So, he continues exploring.
After wandering for a while, Uhu comes to a side tunnel that looks like it might be a good place to set up an ambush. There is a rocky ledge that Uhu can scramble up to if he wishes. If anyone comes out of the side tunnel, he can drop down on them before they know what is hitting them. Uhu must decide whether to rest on the ledge and wait for something to come to him, or to keep wandering.
[Players, you must make a choice. Should Uhu set an ambush or keep wandering. Choose 1 for ambush, and 2 if he doesn’t stop but keeps on moving. Send your answers to Turn 6 should happen on Friday afternoon, May 26.]
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2 responses to “Toughest Dungeon Online Scene 6”
Make your choice today…
Very hard to find this chapter. It is not under the Game index page.