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Toughest Dungeon Online Turn 8
Uhu wanders down the tunnel for what seems like a long time. It seems to be one of the larger passages–he never has to crawl or even stoop to keep moving. He walks slowly and cautiously but after a while, the quiet and the dark soothe him, and without really noticing, he lets his guard down and simply shambles along. It then comes as a big surprise to him when he is suddenly attacked by a hrogr more than a head taller than he is.

The hrogr planned his ambush well. In these caves, there is not enough room for an overhand strike. The hrogr manages a kind of twisting sideways stroke with his spiked club, trying for a disemboweling wound. The weapon crunches through Uhu’s rocky skin and does a wound that inflicts 14 points of damage on the young troll. Uhu wakes up quickly and realizes he’s in a battle to the death. He experiences a new sensation, real pain inside his body. With some difficulty, the hrogr rips his club’s spike out of the wound and prepares to strike again.
[My apologies, players! This turn is 4 days late. I kept delaying in hopes of getting more than 6 responses. Tell Uhu what to do. Should he try to draw the weapons he took from the uruk? Or should he try to grapple and beat the hrogr barehanded? Or should he surrender and beg for mercy? Or should he try to run away? Remember to submit your answer by email to me at this address: Turn 9 will be processed next Friday.]
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