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Toughest Dungeon Online Turn 9 !!!

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The hrogr jerks his spiked club out of Uhu’s gut, and prepares to strike again. For a moment, Uhu considers trying to stuff his innards back into his body and running away, but then the rage rises in his heart and he rushes forward and rips the club out of the hrogr’s hand. With his other hand he sends a piledriver blow into the hrogr’s midsection that doubles the monster over in pain.  Uhu could already feel his trollish powers of regeneration kicking in.

(Hand to hand combat. Uhu does 49 points of damage. The hrogr does 15, as he must fight without his club. The hrogr takes 35 points of CON damage and is instantly dead. Yes, friends, trolls are that much tougher than hrogrs.  Uhu gains 40 adventure points.]

Uhu’s second blow cracks the hrogr’s head open like an egg, and just like that the fight is over. Uhu emits a bellow of triumph    He coughs up a mouthful of volcanic black blood and immediately feels better. In less than 10 minutes Uhu has fully recovered.   Then he searches the hrogr’s body, but finds nothing of interest except the large spiked club.  He takes that and gains a 5D6 weapon.    He rips off one of the hrogr’s arm to snack upon as he continues to explore the caverns.

[  Hello, players  Once again it’s time to tell Uhu what to do. There are at least 6 directions that Uhu might take.  Choose a number in the range of 1 to 6. Remember to submit your answer by email to me at this address:  Turn 9 will be processed next Monday.]

To buy a copy of the Toughest Dungeon solo as a pdf GO HERE.
A physical copy is available in our Store.

One response to “Toughest Dungeon Online Turn 9 !!!”

  1. Steve Crompton Avatar
    Steve Crompton

    Send your turn in today – Which way should Uhu go?… Six choices to make…